Who are we?
We are a small denomination of Midwestern churches.
We are Committed to:
Supporting Local Churches
Fostering Christian Fellowship
Training up the Next Generation
Educating Believers
Spreading the Gospel Globally

The din and clamor of the Civil War surround the beginning of the C.U. denomination. Here is a history that smells of gunpowder and battlefield trench; that feels of cannon and musket and bayonet. It weeps for southern blacks, that rattle of chains and cruel auction blocks. It refuses to...
To put forth every effort to proclaim God’s saving grace to the lost at home and in foreign fields
To declare the whole counsel of God for the edification of believers
To promote fellowship among God’s people
In things essential UNITY
In non-essentials LIBERTY
and In all things CHARITY
The oneness of the Church of Christ
Christ the only head
The Bible the only rule of faith and practice
Good fruits, the only condition of fellowship
Christian Union without controversy
Each local church governs itself
Partisan political preaching discountenanced